Razer Blade: Eyes-on With the 'Future' of PC Gaming


Here's something you won't find anywhere else: Razer is implementing the technology from their Switchblade netbook-concept into the Blade, in the form of a multi-purpose LCD panel sitting to the right of the full-sized keyboard. It works much like it did on the prototype . There are 10 translucent keys, set over an LCD panel. You can customize the keys however you like, from creating custom macros to creating your own thumbnail art and assigning it to the buttons.

The lower half of the LCD serves as a touchpad, under normal use. Plug a mouse in, and that lower half can serve as a secondary display. It's utility can vary from game to game -- examples include setting it to keep an eye on particular waypoints in a match on League of Legends, or simply using it to keep track of your character's stats in World of Warcraft. There will ultimately be an open API, so users will be able to create their own applications and functions.

I saw this tech in action at E3 just a few months ago, on Razer's upcoming . Once the open API drops, an app written for the Switchblade UI will work across all devices that offer the panel. Memories of the wildly popular LCD panel on suddenly come to mind -- here's hoping the modding community takes as much of a shine to a gorgeous, fully configurable multi-touch screen as they did to a monochrome display that offered a room for a few lines of text.

It takes quite a bit of bravado to claim that this machine is going to "save PC gaming," but I can see where Razer's going with this. Consoles have largely stolen the limelight, largely leaving us PC gaming fans stuck with shoddy ports. A product like the Blade is supposed to get people talking again, about the unique features and opportunities you can only get on a PC. I'm still partial to desktops, and that $2800 price tag gives me pause -- it's closer to the higher end of the desktop replacement category. But well heeled gamers take note: this is one to watch.