Quote Book for iPhone

"The internet is a telephone system that's gotten uppity."--Clifford Stoll

It is always nice to have something quirky to say, even if somebody else said it first. Having those words in the palm of your hand, anytime, anyplace, can be a real luxury. Quote Book from allows generations of wisdom to be carried in your pocket in the form of a database of 3,000-or-so quotations.

From the uncomfortable to the hilarious, there are numerous categories to choose your quote from, handy for finding something smart to say in a variety of situations. Everything from art, politics, love, marriage, sports, technology, and other subjects are represented.  You can also look at your favorites, recent quotes you have viewed, or a random quote.

Once you find a quote you like, you can add it to your favorites, give it a rating, or find out more about the author by viewing their Wikipedia entry from right within the app. You may also e-mail your pearl to a quote-less friend, and share the wisdom.

Sending a quote via e-mail does require you to exit the app and enter Mail. It would be nice if you could come right back to where you left off in Quote Book, but this is not so.

Quote Book also offers a search feature, but not on the main page; you may only search within the category you are currently browsing.