Quick Tips for Microsoft Word, Cool Windows Tools


I've been a Microsoft Word user for as long as I can remember, but every now and then I discover a feature I didn't know existed--and come to find totally indispensable.

For example, do you routinely work with lengthy documents? Then you know what a hassle it can be to jump between pages. Wouldn't it be great if Word had a thumbnail view like PowerPoint's, a way to instantly switch to another page just like you switch slides?

As it happens, Word offers the very same option--and it's fantastic for navigating long documents. In Word 2007 and 2010, click the View tab, then check the Thumbnails box. In Word 2003, click the View menu, then Thumbnails. Presto! Now you have a scrolling list of thumbnails, just like in PowerPoint. Click one to immediately jump to that page. How crazy-handy is that!

Reader Shug49 wrote in with this question: "I use a password storage program that works great, but has one flaw: When it's in use it won't stay on top of other open windows. How can I keep it visible at all times?"