Profiles in Geekdom: Alex Plank of Wrong Planet


And autistics can feel comfortable speaking openly on the forums, where they don't have to think about body language or that sort of thing. On the flip side, you know, there's obviously the drawback that you spend all your time online, so you're not actually interacting with people in real life.. But I think that in this case it's helped people be more social offline as well.

I know you do a periodic Web video series, Autism Talk TV. How'd that come about?

Well, I decided that I wanted to . And it was just me. But then I looked for sponsors--Autism Speaks was the first sponsor and has made it possible to continue to create new programming.

The show stars me and ; and . It's not necessarily the content of the videos that people are drawn to--I mean, the content's great, but I feel like it's given younger kids on the spectrum someone to look up to. People are saying, "look at these ; they have a TV show; they're doing something they believe in, they're happy, they're feeling good about themselves, and they've been through the same thing I'm going through right now."

Do you have any exciting--or even not exciting--future plans for Wrong Planet that you'd like to share?