Optus the catalyst for ADSL2 adoption


"Over the last two years the other players have been far more aggressive than Optus in broadband, so now Optus has to start fighting from the back," he said.

However, Kranenburg added that even if Telstra would not enter the market, the presence of Optus would be enough to influence momentum and increase ADSL2 conversion rates simply because people see the telco as a credible player. "It's a relative issue."

Adoption will increase quickly and if Telstra join in, it will grow even quicker. Once national mass is achieved, the other players will start benefiting.

"Kranenburg also said a surge in ADSL2 uptake would create new revenue streams through value added services. He said businesses should focus on the combination of communications with the integration of customer premises to deliver value transactions to consumers.

"That's where the growth area is and it's where you achieve innovation," he said. "It's not just about connecting technologies; it's about doing it in a way that gives you a jump over your competitors."