OPENWORLD - Users look for details on next database


Oracle is scheduled to hold two sessions on database futures at OpenWorld on Monday. Andy Mendelsohn, the company's senior vice president of database technologies, will lead a session entitled "The Future of Database Technology, from Oracle Development." Meanwhile, Oracle's PL/SQL product manager will lead a session on "PL/SQL Enhancements in the Next Major Release of Oracle Database."

Amichai Shulman, chief technology officer at security software vendor Imperva Inc., said he expects Oracle to add access-control and security auditing features to its next database release. He added that the company needs to clean up "rotten code" that was left over in 10g from older versions and is behind many of the Oracle database security holes discovered this year.

At OpenWorld, Oracle is also expected to detail an upcoming Version 1.1 release of SQL Developer, a free database development tool with a graphical user interface that the company released in March.