One password for multiple accounts: don't do it!


If you're part of the 70% who uses the same password on multiple online accounts, it's likely you didn't give much thought to a strong password either. What's a weak password? (there's an additional link to the top 500 passwords, but be warned that many are words we wouldn't print in CWHK!).

Why am I being so forceful about this? Not to be rude--I too have trouble remembering all my passwords. It's aggravating. But so too is calling a locksmith if you're accidentally locked out of your flat. Would you rather call the locksmith, or leave your door open all day long?

Security means putting up with inconvenience. There are several ways to simplify your multiple-password setup, as there should be--no one can remember all the passwords we need for our digital life, nor should we be expected to. There are free and low-cost password-managers out there for every platform. There is no excuse for using the same password on any online account with your personal details. Use unique, difficult-to-guess passwords for every account. Make yourself a moving-target for cybercriminals.