On Your Side: Trouble With a KDS Monitor Warranty

I bought a KDS K-24MDWB monitor from Newegg in March 2008. Newegg and KDS both listed the monitor as having a three-year parts and labor warranty. When the monitor wouldn't power on, I contacted KDS, and it said it wouldn't warrant the monitor because I didn't purchase it from ASI, the exclusive distributor for KDS monitors in North America. Neither the Newegg site nor the KDS site said I had to buy the monitor from ASI for the warranty to be valid. Can you do anything to help me?

Sherry Marshall, Oklahoma City

OYS responds: When we contacted KDS about Marshall's problem, we were surprised to receive a response from an ASI representative. The rep explained that ASI provides warranty service for monitors, like Marshall's KDS model, that are manufactured by Proview.

Another ASI representative told us that the company should have honored Marshall's warranty. After we got in­­volved, ASI agreed to repair Marshall's monitor; but when it couldn't obtain the needed parts, the company offered to re­­place the unit with a slightly larger one from a different brand. Marshall accepted the offer and now has a 25-inch Hanns-G monitor with a three-year warranty.

If a company denies you the service you're entitled to, don't give up. You may have to talk to a number of people before finding one who will help you, but your persistence should pay off. If you're buying from a third-party retailer (like Newegg or Amazon), make sure you understand whether the product's warranty policy is through the manufacturer or the seller before you make that purchase.