NSW government outlines 'People First' ICT direction


"Some 70 percent of ICT spending is on backend systems and we need to change that ratio," he said. "There will be more self-service, but it will still be available over the counter or if you write a letter."

Edgecumbe said one outcome of the CIO council is the agreement of a single specification for the 100,000 PCs purchased across the state every year. Agencies have also agreed on a common look and feel for their Web sites.

"I've been surprised at the agency CIO response," he said. "They have attended working groups, and are changing their four-year strategies and have been extraordinarily supportive. They have no connection to e-mail and payroll systems and world rather work on front-end service systems. The collaboration has been exceptional and professional."

Edgecumbe also hinted at opening more opportunities for local IT suppliers.

"Backend technology has traditionally been provided by multinational companies, but the front-end niche products have to be highly modified, those are generally found here," he said.