National Napping Day: To sleep, perchance to dream


OK, forget sleeping. I think I'm gonna hurl.

(If you need help nodding off, check out the over my last post about Asteroid 2009 DD45. I make one little joke about God and snowballs, and jeez, you'd think it's the end of the world.)

I think we need more obscure national holidays. I have one in mind: National Pirates Day -- not to be confused with , which occurs every year on September 19 (arrrgh, mateys).

I choose it in honor of college student Brittany Kruger, who's detailing how the RIAA and its jackals attorneys have hounded her for over the past two years. Kruger, who works at a Dairy Queen part time, says the record companies are asking her to pay two years' worth of salary to settle their dispute.

On National Pirates Day, everyone will swap copyrighted content with as many people as possible. Just open up your digital music and video libraries (and, of course, your lovingly preserved copies of the Cringely blog) and let fly. Of course, you'll delete it all the next day. It's just to prove that the global economy won't utterly collapse (at least, more than it already has) and the world will not end just because of a little file swapping.