Microsoft Bing: Powered by Google?


It didn't end there. Microsoft and Google then , where claimed "Google had employees log onto ms customer feedback system and send results to Microsoft."

To which Google engineer Matt Cutts replied: "Normal people call that 'IE8'." Oh, snap.

Shaw's riposte: "Hey, if this whole engineering thing doesn't work out for you, try PR -- you've got the chops for it." Oh double snap!

Google's Singhal told that while Microsoft's alleged theft of Google search results may not be illegal, it sure ain't kosher:

It's cheating to me because we work incredibly hard and have done so for years but they just get there based on our hard work. I don't know how else to call it but plain and simple cheating. Another analogy is that it's like running a marathon and carrying someone else on your back, who jumps off just before the finish line.