Macworld Buying Guides: Point-and-shoot cameras


Frame your shots: An optical viewfinder can be handy when shooting in bright light, which can make it difficult to see an LCD. However, many cameras rely solely on the LCD as viewfinder and don’t include a optical one.

Camera modes: Point-and-shoots offer shooting modes that automatically set the camera based on your situation. For example, a Portrait mode keeps foreground subject in focus; a Sports mode is good for fast action shots.

If you like to tinker with camera settings, look for a point-and-shoot with manual shooting modes.

Wireless Internet: If you like to upload photos to an Internet photo-sharing site, consider a camera with built-in Wi-Fi. When connected to the Internet via a Wi-Fi hotspot, these cameras let you upload directly to the site.

Power play: Some cameras use AA batteries, while others come with a proprietary rechargeable battery. If you plan to be out an about with your camera, consider the battery type and figure out what you need to do to have an extra battery at hand. AA batteries are readily available (you can even use rechargeable ones). A proprietary rechargable battery can carry a charge longer than AA batteries, but are more expensive to replace or buy a spare.