Lockheed-Martin Attack Signals New Era of Cyber Espionage

The network of defense contractor Lockheed-Martin was attacked using counterfeit electronic keys. Since the and the keys to its SecurID tokens were compromised a few months ago, the world has been waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop. Well, it dropped.

In an , NSS Labs predicted, "This was a strategic move to grab the virtual keys to RSA's customers--who are the most security conscious in the world. One or several RSA clients are likely the ultimate target of this attack. Military, financial, governmental, and other organizations with critical intellectual property, plans and finances are at risk."

Since the compromise of the SecurID keys, there have been malware and phishing campaigns probing for specific data connecting RSA tokens to the end-user, suggesting that those attacks were being conducted by the original RSA Security attackers with a goal in mind.

Most crimes are crimes of opportunity, and most crimes of opportunity can be avoided. Stay in populated, well-lit areas, and you're relatively safe. Walk down dark, deserted alleys and your odds of getting mugged go up. Lock your car doors and keep valuable hidden, and you probably won't get things stolen. Leave your car unlocked with your iPad sitting on the passenger seat and it probably won't be there when you get back.

However, --a stalker dedicated to trailing you specifically--is much more difficult. The attack against RSA Security does not appear to have been a random crime of opportunity, but rather a targeted attack calculated with the goal of acquiring the keys necessary to tackle larger prey like Lockheed-Martin.

I am sure that Lockheed-Martin and the United States government have much smarter than me investigating these incidents and connecting the dots, but it certainly seems at face value like either a state-sponsored attack, or an attack by well-funded hackers with the intent to market whatever information can be extracted internationally to other governments.