Layoffs leading to more self-employment


However, Robert Goodearl, who runs RGood Software Inc. in Lincoln, Mass., says he saw evidence of increasing interest of IT professionals in self-employment at a recent meeting of the Greater Boston chapter of the Independent Computer Consultants Assocation that was held jointly with another professional IT organization. About 30 people attended, two thirds of whom were not members of either organization, he said.

"I have seen a lot of interest in people who are considering becoming consultants," said Goodearl. Some of them have been laid off, or are employed but worried about their future.

Another sign of increasing IT self-employment through services that use eBay-like job matching systems. One firm, Elance, now averages 25,000 job postings per month, 50% above last year.

When Dinerman was laid off, he immediately starting searching for a new job and found one at an insurance company. "I was miserable there," he said. He quickly left to start his own one-person operation, Fieldbook Solutions LLC.

Dinerman said a few clients followed him when they found out he was striking out on his own, and that gave him a start. But he said running your own business also meant having sales and management skill, as well as working with IT vendors to get partnerships.