Kyocera Echo: Phone That Wants To Be A Tablet


The Echo comes with the stock Android media player, which doesn't fully exploit the phone's larger screen. Playing videos on the device is not really recommended since you will be missing a chunk in the middle of the phone where the screens meet. Also, I found the top screen to be not be as sharp as the bottom when it came to displaying images.

Bottom Line

Aside from having a larger area for web browsing, the Echo didn't seem to benefit greatly from having two screens. Most of the time, the second screen on the Echo felt like a bit of a gimmick. A physical keyboard might have been a better use of the extra panel than a secondary display, and would have made the phone more attractive for people who frequently text or email. Couple that with the relatively outdated specs, and you have a phone that might be more gimmick than utility. As such, you might want to pass on the Echo in favor of a or dual core phone.