Keep Track of Your Money with Quicken 2012


When I went into business freelancing I needed more robust tools than the basic Quicken had to offer. I , but that seemed way to complex for my needs. I just wanted to be able to create some invoices and be able to track who owes me money. I didn't want to become an accountant.

I have found that Quicken Home & Business does what I need without being too complicated. The only caveat I would add to that, though, is that you will get more out of using Quicken if you take the time to set it up right.

The value of the information you get out of Quicken is tied directly to the value of the information you put into Quicken. Take the time to fill out details like bill due dates, interest rates, and other account related information. The more Quicken knows about the details of where your money is going, the better job it can do in guiding you to make wiser decisions with that money.

Quicken is to meet different needs. Quicken Starter Edition provides basic tools for managing personal finances for $30. There are also Quicken Deluxe and Quicken Premier editions for those with more advanced tax or investment needs. For small businesses, Quicken Home & Business, or Quicken Rental Property Manager provide more comprehensive business finance tools.