Is Your CRM System Meeting Your Enterprise's Needs?


For instance, today's CRM systems address social media, which Wardley notes didn't exist 10 years ago, when most companies began implementing CRM systems.

So how do you know when your system needs a facelift and how do you determine if it's going to be a small or large operation?

That's where your analysis of how your existing CRM system stacks up to business and customer needs comes in. Wardley also recommends asking whether your CRM upgrade is something you can accomplish through simple add-ons or whether it will require a major overhaul.

For example, does your CRM system need what Wardley calls a "lunchtime facelift?"? That is, do you have antiquated systems with capabilities that you like, but that may need to be updated through some add-ons, such as social media analytics or the ability to add in data such as a customer's Twitter handle? If so, perhaps those may be changes you can make without major rebuilding efforts.

"Or are you finding more fundamental requirements that your system doesn't have that means it needs a complete replacement?" Wardley asks.