iPad apps help kids master the alphabet


In the app's second mode, Writer, kids can create "storyboards" by dragging objects and letters onto the screen. You can resize and reorder each object, and then invent whatever narrative you'd like to accompany your storyboard. My 4-year-old loved this part.

My kids and I encountered a couple freezes with Alpha Writer on occasion, where the game stopped responding until we restarted it. But on the whole, it's very well-designed and smartly implemented. I don't mind sitting by my daughter's side as she uses the app, though I do wish the game would provide more kid-friendly feedback on how the child is doing.

Alpha Writer employs the same design aesthetic as Montessorium's ( Macworld rated 4 out of 5 mice ) app, and it works just as beautifully here. Intro to Letters focuses on recognizing and drawing the characters, while Alpha Writer's focus is more on putting those letters together to make words.

Still, if you're looking for an app to teach kids how to draw their ABCs, Intro to Letters is a solid option. The app features a lovely design with beautiful letters against beautiful backgrounds. Coupled with the app's pleasant female narrator, the overall experience of the app is likable, if a bit dry. If you're looking for a more game-like experience, you won't find it with Intro to Letters.