Inside The Mind of a Lego Photographer


MS: My passion lies purely with photography. I have very little interest in video or other media. They just don't inspire me.

GT: If GeekTechers were interested in doing the same kind of photography as you, what advice would you give them? Also, if they were trying to do the same on a budget, do they have to have DSLR cameras or programs like Photoshop to achieve the same effects?

MS: Having access to Photoshop and a DSLR does make certain things easier, but they are by no means essential. A DSLR will give more control over depth-of-field and give you more lighting options, but as long as you're aware of your camera's limitation and you play to its strengths, the technical issues are minor. A compact camera with a good macro mode and knowledge of lighting are all you need.

That would probably be my one piece of advice, try and learn about light. There is so much information on the Internet these days about off-camera lighting, and it makes such a difference to the look of a photo when it's nicely lit.

Mike's entire portfolio can be found on , but if you'd like to support his work, you can buy prints of his photos from his or pages.