Infinite Zoom: How the Opening of 'Limitless' Was Created


Tim Carras: The whole idea for the sequence came from Neil [Burger], the director of the film. His term for it was "fractal zoom." If you've ever seen those --[they're] like blobby, amorphous shapes, but as you zoom in you see that the small details are the same shape as the objects that they came from. So you can keep continuing infinitely into the details and they keep growing into the bigger shape that you saw before.

The concept was something he'd been thinking about for years, and with this film he finally had a chance to put it into practice. He's the one who came up with the concept and the look of the shot.

PCW: Was that something that was in the script, or was it sort of added after the fact?

Carras: It was something Neil added to the shooting script. It basically says, "camera drops down into New York street, and through a series of fractal zooms, we see X, Y, and Z." He wanted a visual effects overture to the film, and he knew the title sequence was the place to do it.

Seeing a descriptive line like that in a script is absolutely the fun part of our job. Starting out on the conversation of how it's going to be realized visually is a tremendous thrill, because that's the creative essence of the work we do: taking words on a page and making them into something an audience can watch. Hopefully, they've never seen something like that before.