If you build it (right), IT will work


Hybrid of centralization and functional level. When he began in 2005, Rapken of YRC Worldwide opted for a hybrid model. It includes a centralized EA team of 20 to 30 who work with architects as well as people from the various operating companies. He chose one of his VPs to lead the new EA team. "I wanted to avoid the ivory tower syndrome where architects are viewed purely as picture-drawers without a clue when it comes to projects," says Rapken. With the centralized team working closely with the line architects, they can ensure that what they design gets built correctly.

4. Look outside IT. Participation and support from outside of IT is important for credibility and buy-in, as well as for maintaining alignment. "If the architecture team is pushing a specific philosophy, disregarding business value, business leaders will dismiss them, says Vince Kellen, VP of IS at DePaul University. The goal of the EA team should always be to add value to the business. Building strong relationships and teaching others about the importance of an enterprise approach goes a long way.


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John Bloom, chief architect for Chevron's corporate IT, shares a job description of what he is looking for in an enterprise architect. (For more on the enterprise architect position, see 'Wanted: Enterprise Architects.'