How Sony made a $60 game and sold it for $20


Due to the huge amount of time and resource required to produce tracks to the 1080p standard that we set ourselves with Wipeout HD, we decided to use a selection of tracks from our previous PSP games, Pure and Pulse. This allowed us to deliver far mores tracks in the game than we could have if we had created brand new tracks.

The Sixaxis controls left something to be desired, especially at higher speeds. Did your team feel the same way? If so, what do you think went wrong?

Nothing went wrong with the implementation of the Sixaxis control, controlling an AG ship using the Sixaxis controller will be new to people and we knew it may take some getting use to. Taking this into account we took the decision early on to make it a selectable option. This way those players that wanted to play the traditional way can do, whereas those that want to put some time into mastering the Sixaxis have that option readily available.

Some players with large friend lists have been experiencing random game crashes. Are you aware of the issue? If so, are you working on a patch to correct it?

We are aware of the friends list issue and are currently working on a fix for the problem. We monitor on a daily basis the many forums that have been dedicated to Wipeout HD since it's launch to ensure that if people are experiencing and reporting issues with the game, we can look in to addressing them as quickly as possible.