Hands on with iBooks 3


When you encounter a passage in your book that's too good not to share, iBooks 3 lets you quote it on Twitter or Facebook, or share it in other ways. First, you use the highlighting option introduced in iBooks previously--where you simply tap and hold at the start of the section you'd like to highlight, and then drag your finger across it. Then you tap on the freshly-highlighted section to expose various options like changing the highlight color, removing it, or adding a note. A new option there is the Sharing button (the boxed arrow); tap it, and you can choose whether to share the citation via Mail, Messages, Twitter, or Facebook, or to copy it to the clipboard.

iBooks will attempt to include attribution information for the quotation, including the title of the book and its author, along with a notice that the text may be copyrighted. If, however, you're posting to Twitter, most of that information won't fit, and it simply gets truncated in the Tweet Sheet.

In short, the new iBooks doesn't seem to be a dramatic change from its previous iteration. Instead, it appears aimed at making the reading app a bit more social, and a bit more usable--whether you're using a device with less storage, or one with less screen real estate. Look for our full review soon.