Great expectations for TCB in HK


Why is the TCB important to Hong Kong?

CC: Hong Kong's economy has undergone substantial transformation in recent years. With too much focus on the development of financial and trading industries since the 1980s, Hong Kong has lost sight of what it could achieve. ICT has colossal potential in taking Hong Kong to new heights, but we need a government that understands the potential of technologies and identifies opportunities in a timely matter.--

Despite the , the government is slow in implementing ICT changes. While there are different industry organizations, they seldom come up with initiatives that drive Hong Kong's ICT development. The TCB should be a critical enabler that facilitates and expedites Hong Kong's transformation.

ML: Hong Kong won't survive without a tech bureau that has a clear mission and a strong vision--Singapore and Malaysia have left us in the dust in terms of ICT development. To make the TCB relevant, the bureau chief must have a tech background and understand the industry's most pressing needs. The bureau must help Hong Kong and its ICT sector to catch up-- the past two GCIOs wasted us lots of time while the Digital 21 strategy helps Hong Kong achieve nothing.

One of the bureau's priorities should be tech talent cultivation. Employers have a hard time hiring tech pros with four to five years of experience after the tech bubble burst. In the long term, the bureau needs to build professional recognition for IT pros--this will encourage more young and brilliant people to step into the field.