Google vs. China: Net censorship, 'information imperialism'


Get the feeling these people are so used to lying that they can no longer tell when they're doing it?

The Beijing-friendly English-language opposing Clinton and Google. It claims to have broad support among the Chinese people:

... Google's threat to pull out of China ... has stirred widespread debate among the public in China. The recent poll conducted by shows a growing number of people voicing opposition to an unregulated or uncensored Google in China. As many as 81 percent of those polled are opposed to Chinese government accepting Google's demands.

Interestingly, that's the same percentage of Chinese who replied that they didn't want to spend the next 30 years scrubbing Premier Wen Jiabao's toilets. What an amazing coincidence! As for the 19 percent who agreed with Google lifting the censorship veil, well, let's just say old Wen won't have to worry about his toilets for a long long time.

It goes on: