Google+ Tips and Tricks Facebook Should Use


Not so with Facebook. Once you say it, you said it and you can't take it back. Actually--there is a little known feature that lets you edit in Facebook. If you accidentally hit Enter before you were done typing what you wanted to say, or you post something without thinking and you wish you didn't, you have a small window of opportunity to fix it. If you immediately delete the post, rather than deleting it, it takes you back to the editing mode so you can make changes. But, you have to act quickly.

Facebook can and expand the maximum length for status updates, and make status updates and comments editable.

I am not sold on Google+. I have not sold my soul to the Google Borg, and I am not sure I appreciate the and services by default. Google has some issues to work out as it beta tests its social network, and Facebook should be paying attention to 'borrow' what works and provide something similar for its 700 million members.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg , so hopefully he is taking notes and learning a thing or two that he can use.