Google ran out of bandwidth? … Google?


Now one can only imagine the fallout were such a Google bandwidth crisis actually true.

Service providers would be rushing out press releases touting the depletion as proof positive of the need for bandwidth caps. A congressman might smell a headline opportunity. Heck, Wall Street might wonder if the recession had hamstrung Google's entire R&D operation. … Bailout?

But, alas, the facts again get in the way of a great story:

Google's Larsen updated the blog post last Monday: "[Edit, 11 May 2009: Change 'bandwidth' to 'test capacity'. Sometimes the colloquial jargon we use at work translates imprecisely for a public audience.]"

Ah, test capacity … colloquial "bandwidth," not real bandwidth. Well, it's still kind of interesting to learn that even at Google — $129 billion dollar Google — certain resources remain finite.