Google Drive reaction roundup: It's good, but what took it so long?

The general reaction to Google Drive from the tech press today can be summed up thusly: "We like it, but couldn't it have been released two years ago?"

This sentiment was most succinctly expressed by , who began his take on Google Drive by nothing that it has taken "years of hints, teasing, rumors and speculation" before Google finally decided to unveil its cloud storage service to the public. And while Buchanan said that the service is unlikely to win many converts from those who have already pledged their loyalty to Dropbox, it will likely expand the scope of the cloud storage market by winning over frequent Google users who haven't yet taken the plunge and put their data in the cloud.

"If it works the way it's supposed to ... I suspect it'll be the first new Google product in a long time that everybody loves, in the same way they love Gmail," he wrote.



took a more caustic attitude toward Google's oft-rumored, belatedly released storage service, however, by noting that Google's dawdling meant that "other startups came in to fill the voice left by our drag-and-drop to the cloud needs." She also said that Google Drive didn't do anything to really differentiate it from its more-established competitors and thus might suffer the same fate as the Google+ social networking site.