Gamescom: Ridge Racer Unbounded Taking On TrackMania


Namco's anticipating integrating the City Creator into the whole Ridge Racer Unbounded experience. The team's planning to let players unlock additional elements with which to build their tracks throughout the course of the single player career mode, and likewise is building that career mode using the same blocks that will be available to players. The community aspect will be very important to the game, though that hasn't been implemented as yet.

All in all, Ridge Racer Unbounded is looking very exciting. The potential replayability that the addition of user generated content offers is enormous, and will help give the game a huge lifespan. If Namco does want to go down the DLC route with the game in the future, too, there's no reason why they can't offer additional city blocks and environments for download and inclusion into custom tracks, such as what LittleBigPlanet offers with its content packs.

Ridge Racer Unbounded is due out next year for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.