Fry Up: Youth is wasted on the young


McIntyre's idols are, not surprisingly, Sam Morgan and Mark Zuckerberg. The latter's Facebook creation inspired a Hollywood movie, The Social Network, which Fry Up finally got around to seeing last week. The actor Jesse Eisenberg portrays Zuckerburg as a socially awkward, highly intelligent, vaguely sinister geek. What does Zuckerburg think of it all?

No idea. But judging by his appearance alongside he doesn't look like someone set to sue for hurt feelings.

By the way, the movie features Peter Thiel (well an actor playing him) as Facebook's angel investor. Thiel has since gone on to invest in Xero and the Pacific Fibre cable venture. Could it be that tech entrepreneurs are the new rock stars?

But Xero founder Rod Drury says that rather than set up their own companies smart young developers should come and work for him, and companies like his that are already established. Apparently there are six-figure salaries in the offing, although some of Computerworld's readership questioned this in comments posted below the online article .