Frequently Asked Photo Questions for May


In Photoshop Elements, for example, just select Edit, Image, Resize, Image Size from the menu, and then select a width and height in the Image Size dialog box to shrink the photo. Check out "" for more details and tips on other ways to resize your photos.

Recently, I wrote about , and a lot of readers couldn't resist sending me their own unconventional uses for digital cameras and camera phones. Here are the best reader tips.

I use my camera to take photos of preexisting damage to rental cars on business trips. I try to also shoot the odometer or other surroundings that document the date. On the rental agreement, I note that I took photos of existing damage. I haven't had a problem since!--S. Calabrese, Lawrenceville, Georgia

On vacation, I'll often see a public map. Paris has many of these as you exit the subway, for example. I quickly snap a photo of the map and refer to it as we tour to stay on track and avoid getting lost. Once we have left the city I simply erase the picture and retrieve the camera space.--Rob Schenk, Dublin, Ireland