Frankly Speaking: Data takes a holiday


Of course, you'll want to remind users that they'll need laptops with VPN software to read their e-mail. That's also a chance to hammer home for them the golden rule of laptop security: Guard that laptop like it's covered with US$100 bills. Once they get that one down, all the other security tips -- don't check it as luggage, don't put it in an airplane seat pocket, never leave it anywhere it's not under lock and key -- are easy to remember.

Want to be even more proactive? If HR will cooperate, check with users scheduled for vacation ahead of time. Then, when they return, check back with them to ask how well the VPN and applications worked.

That's also an opportunity to make sure they haven't lost their laptops. Don't laugh -- in some recent high-profile cases of lost or stolen laptops, users have waited weeks before reporting the machines missing. And remember, you won't know a user's personal laptop is missing unless you ask. So ask.

Yes, it's a little late to create a VPN requirement for this summer's vacations. But it's not too early to be thinking about next year.

Because your users won't quit working when they take their vacations, and they won't stop taking their laptops along. All you can do is try to make sure they don't turn every vacation time into a very long, hot summer.