Forrester: Digital disruption forcing IT leaders to do things differently


Forrester's events on digital disruption this week aim to help IT leaders address the change and also help them understand the increasing need for CIOs and CMOs to work side-by-side. If you would like to register for the events, click on the following links:

"If you look at the firms that are excelling in this age of digital disruption, they look at technology fundamentally differently. They look at some aspects of technology like software engineering and software development as core competencies to who they are and what they do. Whereas, you look at many historical IT organisations, they are viewed largely as a commodity and are not really taking advantage of these opportunities," said McNabb.

"IT leaders have to do things differently, they have to be more front and centred. They have to establish themselves as a competency within their organisation, as opposed to managing a set of commodities on the back end."