Flip's Mino HD a sleek, sexy pocket video cam


Now, the Flip does have its limits. You'll want to stick to well-lit locations. And if you're aiming to get audio, get close, and try for a quiet location. It comes with a tripod mount, I picked up a $10 tripod at a local store and I found this did wonders for my shaky hand syndrome.

Bear those limitations in mind though and the Flip Mino HD is a dream, and a great fit for someone who wants the portable ability to shoot great-quality video without lugging around a full-sized camera. I carry mine everywhere in my jacket pocket.

The Mino HD is available now through retail and distribution for $279.99, while the non-HD Mino model retails for $219.99.

Watch this video shot with the Mino HD to get a sense of the picture quality, and click for the HD version if you have a compatible display. And do note I have found the Mino video can play a little choppy on slower machines.