Fingerprints everywhere! Are we ready for 4 million dirty Windows 8 touchscreens?


Our impression is that smudge-proof touchscreens are still pretty far from becoming commercially available, says IDC tablets and displays analyst Linn Huang. Right now the most elegant solution available is the manufacturers including a free, small terrycloth to use to wipe the screen with each tablet they ship.

Nor are computer manufacturers investing heavily in in-house research that might lead to an effective smudge-resistant surface. Instead, this type of research is happening in universities like Northwestern and MIT, and in various institutional research facilities around the world, such as the and GE Global Research.

Researchers pursue two strategies for making better oleophobic screens (oleophobic literally means lacking affinity for oils). Some scientists try to advance the chemical treatment approach now used by Apple and others, while others work on applying new physical textures on screen surfaces, textures that are unfriendly to oil and liquid.