Facebook's New Timeline Layout: A Getting-Started Guide


Timeline won't officially launch for a few weeks, but if you want to try it right now, check out David Daw's how-to guide on . If you decide to take the plunge, keep in mind this is a developer beta so expect to see bugs. There are also no guarantees that an accident won't happen that briefly makes all your profile information public. So the risk is yours if you try Timeline.

You should also know that if you activate your Timeline now, only other people using the beta release will see your new Timeline, your non-beta friends will continue to see your old profile page. Although, Facebook will also specify a date when your Timeline will go live (mine was September 30). It's not clear if everyone will see my Timeline after that date.

If you do activate Timeline or you just want to see what you have to look forward to, here's a getting-started guide for Facebook's new profile layout.