Facebook Changes Aimed at Improved Privacy


Tagging has also been altered. Previously, photos and postings in which users were tagged automatically appeared on their profile pages. Now the user can approve or reject a tagged item before it appears on their profile page. They can't, however, block the tagged item from appearing on another user's pages.

Tagging has been expanded a bit, too. Users now can tag "friends" or non-friends, as well as pages, whether they "like" them or not. In addition, options for removing tags have been clarified.

Location options have also been changed. Previously, you could reveal your location only through the Places feature on a smartphone. Now you'll be able to add location information to anything--status update, photo or wall posting--and from any device. Of course, you can also choose not to reveal that information, too.

"These changes will start to roll out in the coming days," . "When they reach you, you'll see a prompt for a tour that walks you through these new features from your homepage."