Evernote Hello Comes to Android, Helps You Remember People


Plus, it's weird to hand your phone to a stranger, and weirder still for them to enter personal information on it. And then there's the photo thing; most people hate being photographed, and Hello snaps four headshots in quick succession (without any explanation as to why). I think the app will be a turn-off, at least for some of the people you meet.

What's more, although Hello syncs with your primary Evernote account (you do have one, right?), it doesn't sync with your address book -- meaning if you want to call, e-mail, or text a contact, you have to fire up the Hello app, not your usual phone list. That's an extra hassle.

These complaints aside, Evernote Hello is pretty cool, and I can definitely see the value for business users who routinely meet new people and want an innovative, comprehensive way to keep tabs on them. Best of all, the app is free, so you've got nothing to lose by saying, well, hello.