Earthworm Jim hits iPhone this Wednesday

was originally released on the Sega Genesis in 1994, and has subsequently reared its weird-but-stylish little head on the Game Gear, Game Boy, SNES, PC, Game Boy Advance, Wii, PlayStation, and Xbox 360. Developed by Shiny Entertainment, the cartoon-inspired action/platform game told the story of an ordinary earthworm who finds an "ultra high tech indestructible super space cyber suit" built by a guy called, no kidding, Professor Monkey-For-A-Head. That sets the tone for a combat-filled 2D platform game that includes characters called Bob The Killer Goldfish, Princess What's-Her-Name and Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-filled, Malformed, Slug-for-a-butt (Queen Slug-for-a-butt for short.) Players could use Earthworm Jim's head as a whip, and there were some weapons that involved launching cows at bad guys. If you were playing games in the mid-90s, chances are you remember it fondly.

Anyway... Gameloft has picked up the iPhone rights to the game, and they announced through their today that the game is set to hit the App store this Wednesday. No word on pricing yet.