E-voting and voter registration: The vendors


As of October, various machines from Sequoia were certified for use in Arizona, California, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.


Accenture Ltd.

Florida used information from Bermuda-based Accenture that led to the state's disastrous 2004 registration purge. Until 1989, it was the consulting division of former accounting firm Arthur Anderson, Accenture changed its name during a final split from that firm in 2001. Since then, Accenture has gained and lost statewide voter-registration system (SVRS) contracts in Colorado, Kansas and Wyoming -- in the final case, the company was forced to refund the state's money in full. Accenture is working on databases for Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Both projects have been widely criticized, and Pennsylvania's is late. (Votingindustry.com has an of Accenture's long history with e-voting technologies.)