Duckduckgo: a user friendly search engine

could be just another search engine which displays results from other sites, such as Google´s, Bing´s etc. Instead, it concentrates its effort in ranking those results in a different, user friendly and plural way.

As a result, queries about "apple" bring up first a variety of clusters with different meanings of the noun. By selecting which result your query is related to, users are taken to the specific page about the theme they´re search for.

DDG´s UI is very simple to use and, since it has been developed using PERL, the engine is also pretty quick. Using DG you do not have to change pages. The SERP extends itself when users get to its end. But the speed can also be result of a low usage which leaves the bandwith available for a, supposed, low usage.

IDGNOW! Brazil contacted Gabriel Weinberg, an internet startup entrepreneur, to know about this search engine with a rather strange name.

By the way, you do not have to type in all ten letters, DDG is accessible using only on your browsers´ URL bar.

At this point, what do you think DDG is really good at?