Disaster recovery is a success just waiting to happen

Security--the topic, and thus the department--sometimes gets pigeonholed as a downer. Maybe from time to time you notice a coworker avoiding getting in the elevator with you. A CSO once told me it's even worse when you get in the elevator and some wiseacre turns to put his hands on the wall--as if expecting you to frisk him.

But just wait until you start talking about disaster recovery too! Then nobody will even sit at your lunch table anymore!

Actually, it's not that uncommon for (BC/DR) to get dropped on the security leader's desk.

It shouldn't be a bummer. In fact, it's probably a sign that you're doing a good job, and--dare we hope--even that you are regarded as a business-minded person who will build a program with .

But that doesn't mean it's easy to do.

So for this issue of CSO, Lauren Gibbons Paul collects advice from the front lines on .