DigiYumi: Chat with Working Daze Author John Zakour


Aurora Dizon: Why does Roy like Twitter?

John Zakour: Roy likes Twitter because it lets him communicate with people without actually being with people.

Aurora Dizon: Who are your favorite Working Daze characters?

John Zakour: Well, the fans love Roy and Carolina, who is based on my other niece (who was an exotic dancer). Jay has a lot of my personality (well, he kind of is me) so I am partial to him. I also like Dana since she is under so much pressure but she keeps the office together even though she is the lowest paid member of the group. (I've noticed this happens a lot in real life, that often it's the lowest-paid member who bears a lot of the workload and acts as the glue that holds an office together.) Dana, of course, also seems to have supernatural powers but hardly ever abuses them. She's just cool with who she is. Rita is based on my last boss from the days I had a boss. I have actually used quotes from that boss for Rita. "Tell me why I think this is important." But in real life my last boss wasn't nearly as nasty or dense as Rita.

Aurora Dizon: How did Working Daze come about?