DEMO - Enterprise security solutions take stage


The system links users whether they are on a cell phone, desktop or in a full-blown conference command center.

Rather than sharing information, Workshare prevents intentional or inadvertent leaks of mission critical information from seeping out of the enterprise. Code-named Hygiene, the technology finds data risks in documents and alerts the appropriate department head or security managers. The system also automatically removes the offending material, marks the document as cured and sends on the edited data to the intended recipient. Hygiene also blocks e-mail if it does not recognize a validated e-mail account.

Finally, UniPrivacy DeleteNow is a solution that shuts down information flow when unauthorized users search for personal data. The monthly subscription service searches out personal information from Internet search engines and database and removes it. While allowing individual users to take control of their privacy, it is also expected that the major credit card companies will offer systems like this to its card holders as a service.