DEMO - Demo 06 to launch 68 startups


However, the game cost upwards of $55 million to create. Multiverse's goal is to dramatically reduce the cost of developing MMOGs by giving developers a platform with built-in templates and import capabilities that will reduce development time and the number of developers needed to create an MMOG.

Demonstrated on stage, for example, was a terrain generator with a height map editor that can instantly create mountain ranges and plains, while another tool allows developers to place objects in the environment by importing files created by the most popular 3-D modeling tools.

Perhaps it was the revenue figures and not the technology that enticed James Cameron, creator of the movie "Titanic," to become a member of its board of advisors.

One of the original online high-tech news providers was also at the show. The CNET Channel took the stage to debut its cross-sell technology and database for online e-tailers.

CNET has collected data on approximately 2 million consumer electronic products, which it is now combining with a rules-based engine to allow retailers to offer their customers a better way to cross-sell products.