'Damn Small Linux' Returns with a Brand-New Release Candidate


'The Smallest Package Possible'

Noting that "kernel and hardware detection will be the exact same as 4.4.10, and obviously this release will not work with the latest hardware technology," Andrews explained that "that isn't my intention here."

Rather, "I see this version of DSL (what will probably be called 'classic' eventually) becoming dedicated to bringing a usable and friendly desktop in the smallest package possible," he added. "Classic DSL will remain ultra-portable, can be downloaded and run virtually quickly, and most importantly, will run on hardware that the rest of the world is leaving behind."

It remains to be seen what any future "non-Classic" version of DSL might look like, of course, but it's certainly a compelling prospect.

In the meantime, do you have an older PC that's groaning under the weight of other operating systems? If so, Damn Small Linux could be just the ticket to give it new life. The new release candidate is now available as a free .