Cutting through the ILM hype


The SNIA suggested that seeking professional services is useful at this stage, and this is what HKJC did. Ngai noted the consultant helped to decide how data should be classified and shared advice on designing the ILM framework for the company.

In addition, a consultant is helpful when it comes to deciding technology approaches, hardware, software, or some of the processes involved, noted Sargeant.

Yet, seeking outside help is not essential, noted Toigo, as long as IT has the proper internal resources and management backing. "It is something that any IT person could do with his or her eyes closed. You just need to collect the information, through interviews and measurements," he said.

Since discovering data requirements is a very organization-centric exercise, Sargeant agreed it should be done internally. But, as organizations move on to start exploring for technologies to apply in its infrastructure, he noted, professional services might be useful.
