Crash course: How to make a website with Drupal


An easy way to get started is to get an inexpensive hosting account that includes Drupal support. I use . I've run several sites on them for years and they have never let me down. All of their hosting plans includes Drupal, WordPress, and Joomla, and a giant batch of other CMS. Installation, updates, and removals are super-easy because they use the . Many hosting services include giant batches of open source servers, and you can visit to get good reviews and information about who is good. For this article I'm doing everything on my own AMS account using Drupal 7. You may elect to install Drupal on your own test computer. Consult the good for this.

It is helpful to use a second Web browser to preview your site as you make changes, so you can see how it looks without being logged in.

When you're managing any Web site on a remote server, your first job is to set up FTP access. If you mess up your site configuration and can't access it with a Web browser then FTP will save you. FTP is faster than faffing around in a Web browser anyway when you're editing or uploading files.

Figure 1 shows my original front page.