Choosing between a new iPad and an iPad 2


But the new iPad is, objectively, a better iPad than the iPad 2. Beyond the Retina display, the new model also adds support for voice dictation and more RAM than the iPad 2. When Apple inevitably releases new iPad in 2013, it's possible that new iPad 2 owners will feel more buyer's remorse than folks who opt for the new iPad instead.

The original, first-generation iPad still supports iOS 5 completely. Will it support iOS 6, or will that be limited to the two newer iPads? At some point, an iOS update will surely leave the iPad 2 in the lurch while keeping the third-generation iPad supported. But then, at some point, the third-generation iPad will be out of date, too.

Thus, if you have the extra $100 to spend, the new iPad is objectively superior to the iPad 2, and more future-proof. But if saving the cash today helps your bank account, it's impossible to be disappointed by the iPad 2, which is a perfectly fine tablet in its own right.