Canadian Wi-Fi management provider bought by AT&T


"We immediately pinged AT&T and said, 'Hey, before we look at this other company, do you guys want to have a last shot at the well?' They took the offer and came back with an offer fair enough and with a premium for the board to decide that this is warranted for the shareholders to vote on."

AT&T, which provides managed Wi-Fi solutions to businesses, particularly in the hospitality industry, wouldn't provide an official for an interview. But through a public relations company the acquisition "gives us an opportunity to expand our services and platforms to deliver premium services in the high end hospitality sector both domestically and internationally."

It wouldn't say what the plans are for Superclick employees once the deal closes.

"We will do our darndest to make sure everyone is well taken care off," Natale said.

Natale has been offered a six-month contract to help integrate his company with AT&T. He said there's also the possibility he'll be hired in an expanded role.